Wednesday 13 November 2013

Days Off

I know in England you recently had half-term, but in Japan we don't have half term holidays, but instead there are lots more bank holidays. In September we got the 14th and 23rd off, October we got 14th off and  in November we got the 4th off. We also get some other Mondays off, but that is because sometimes we have to go to school on Saturday.

In my free time I like to read Manga. Manga is a bit like a comic but between 100 and 400 pages long. Most mange come in a series. My favourite manga is Naruto. The main character is called Naruto. Naruto is a Ninja, he isn't always successful, but he never gives up. Naruto is set in the past.  I Like manga because it's got good pictures and the storied are good, I also like to try to draw the pictures.

One of the things I enjoy doing in my free time is woodwork. It needs good concentration and you're not allowed to be too crazy. I have made a sign for a play house. First I sawed some wood in the right angles and made the shape of some letters. Then I got a wooden board and nailed the wooden shapes I made to the board. 
We also went to an Autumn festival at a country side park. In the craft area we made butter knives out of wood. There were sanding machines to sand the rough wooden shapesinto the right shape. after that we sanded by hand with sandpaper to make as smooth as possible. Finally we painted olive oil onto the butter knives and then we had finished making the butter knives.
Other things we did at the festival were saw with a two man saw and pottery. Joe made a mug and Alex made a candle holder.  We also made a leaf horn to blow, to make it you get a firm leaf about 8cm long Wrap it around a straw ans put sellotape around the leaf. You then take the straw out and slightly squeeze one end of the leaf. Then blow the squeezed end of the leaf- It's very loud!