Saturday 31 May 2014


I think some of you might know of Tokyo Tower, but there is a tower even taller than that in Toyko. The name of the tower is "SkyTree". Tokyo Tower is 333m tall but SkyTree is 634m high. It is 4 times taller than the Beetham tower in Manchester. It is the tallest Tower in the world and the 2nd tallest structure in the world.
In Japanese they call also call Skytree "Musashi" as Mu is 6, Sa is 3 and Shi is 4, and Musashi is also the old name of the area. There are two platforms you can go to, one is at 350m and has a glass floor, the other has the highest place you can go at 451.2m.  We went 10 days before the 2nd anniversary on the SkyTree opening. You have to get tickets to go up, the tickets had pictures of the Skytree on. First we went up to 350m there were 3 floors in the area, with some cafes and shops. We looked around there for a while. We could see all of Tokyo, including  Tokyo Tower, the Imperial Palace and Asakusa. We couldn't see Mt Fuji but on a clear day you can. Then we went up another 100m lift.
Our dad is scared of heights but he was OK at Skytree except for the glass floor. He went on it but when I was taking a picture of him he was saying "Hurry up, hurry up" a lot!

This is the third tall building we have been up in Japan. We have also been up Sapporo Tower and Landmark Tower in Yokohama.