Sunday 8 September 2013

Starting school

We have started school this week,we have to get up at 6:35 and school starts at 8:00. Our school is about a 1KM we have to walk there with other children every week day. There are 23 children in our class. It's the start of school for us in September but other children started year 3 in April .

On the first day we had a maths test and at assembly we had  to introduce ourselves in front of year 3-6, we were not scared  because most of them knew us.

We were supposed to do a fire drill this week, but instead there was a small earthquake for real so we had to hide under our tables.

This week we did art and planned how to make toy cars. We also do a kanji (that's the complicated Japanese writing)  test and do maths every day.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog and it is great to hear how you are both getting on. I will look forward to hearing more of your news and hope you don't have any more earthquakes! Mrs J
