Monday 31 March 2014

Playing in Japan

I think kids in Japan have less toys than kids in England. But they probably make more things and go outside to play more than kids in England.
I have recently made a kite and bow and arrow.  As I am living in the countryside then there is lots of bamboo around.  Bamboo is strong, light and when you cut it , it can also be flexible too, this is what makes it really good for making things.  To make the kite we used a book from the library which had a pattern and instructions on how to make a kite.
We cut some bamboo and then split it into thin strips to make it very light. We then made the bamboo strips into a frame and then stuck on a plastic sheet cut from a bin bag.

We also made bows and arrows. To make a bow use a strip of bamboo about 2cm wide and a 60-90cm long.  Make a hole at each end to thread the string through.  Bend the bow so the string is 3-5 cm from the middle of the bow and tie the string tightly.
 The arrows are made from a straight strip of bamboo or a stick.
There are a couple of ways to fire the arrows, for example  make a notch at the side of the arrow or fire from the end of the arrow. The arrow goes about 15m (it will probably go further if you are an expert). Although the arrows don't have a point, never fire it when someone is in front of you or beside you.

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